McLaren Sleep Center

McLaren Sleep Center

The Sleep Diagnostic Center at McLaren is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and is under the medical direction of a board certified sleep medicine physician. Our suites offer the latest technology, in a cozy home-like setting.

Don’t Close Your Eyes to a Sleep Disorder

Don’t close your eyes to the possibility that a sleep disorder is causing your health problems. Sleep disorders cause many people difficulty at work, at home, and while driving. These disorders include those leading to problems falling asleep and staying asleep, difficulties staying awake or adhering to a consistent sleep/wake cycle, sleep walking, nightmares, severe snoring and breathing problems, and other problems that interfere with sleep. After a referral to the center from your family physician, a sleep study is conducted overnight and the results are returned to your physician within a few days. Sleep disorders can be identified and treated.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Apnea
This causes people to momentarily stop breathing and awaken from sleep in order to resume breathing. As a result, the disorder causes drowsiness during daily activities. Untreated, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, personality changes, sexual dysfunction, heart disease and even death.

Narcolepsy can be defined as excessive drowsiness during the day even when nightly sleep time is within normal range with a tendency to sleep at inappropriate times. The overpowering sleep “attacks” may last for a few minutes to an hour or longer.

  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep is reported by more than 35 million Americans.
  • Disturbed sleep during the night results in decreased quality of daytime performance.
  • According to a nationwide study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, physical ailments-such as disorder of breathing or muscle activity-are the cause of more than half of all cases of persistent insomnia.

Parasomnias include a wide range of disorders that disrupt sleep including sleep walking, sleep terrors, sleep eating, and the acting out of dreams.

PLMS/Restless Leg Syndrome 

Periodic Limb Movement Syndrome and Restless Leg Syndrome are conditions that cause the legs to move or jerk repeatedly. 

Do You Have A Sleeping Disorder? If you score more than 10 points on the following checklist, then you might have a sleeping disorder. Take the test and find out! (Score 5 points per question.)
  • Do others object to your snoring when sleeping?
  • Do you drowse off to sleep at work?
  • Are you frequently drowsy while driving?
  • Do you have trouble controlling anger?
  • Does your mood change frequently?
  • Do you have a decreased interest in sex?
  • Are you forgetful about things?
  • Does being tired seem to interfere with your daily activities?
If you checked two or more items above, then you should see your physician or call the McLaren Sleep Diagnostic Center for more information about sleep disorders. Print this test and share it with your family physician.

McLaren Sleep Center
G-3200 Beecher Road, Suite ZZZ
Flint, Michigan 48532
(810) 342-3900

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